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  • Meaning of popular participation
  • Types of popular participation

SUB-TOPIC 1: Meaning of popular participation

Popular participation is the process of involving every citizen in the political affairs and decision –making process of their community, state or country. It also means collective effort of the people to pool their efforts and recourses together to attain their objectives. It means to have passion, interest in the social, political, economic activities of a nation.


State the meaning of popular participation


  1. POLITICAL: This involves citizens joining political groups and also getting involved in policy making and implementation in their community, society or nation. It also involves eligible voters exercising their civic rights by voting or being voted for during general elections.
  2. ECONOMICS: This means engaging in trade, commercial and business activities in a country. It means to engage in legitimate and legal business, to encourage local producer and manufacturer of goods and services by patronizing them. This involves citizens and group taking part in community-based projects through partnership with government, private enterprises and foreign investor. Such projects are usually beneficial to the host communities in particular.
  3. SOCIAL: This involves the use of our talent and skills for national growth and development. Talents of songs, music, dance, comedy, entertainment etc have expose so many to international fame and recognition.
  4. EDUCATIONAL: This involves readiness to support and assist the government in the educational sector of the economy. This will make education to be competitive, available and also increase the literacy level in the country.
  5. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: This entails our involvement in researches, discoveries and invention of new things as this will bring wealth and fame to the country.
  6. ARTS AND HUMANITY: It is the involvement of citizens in visual arts, graphic designs, drawings, molding, sculpturing and natural science.

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