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  1. Sources of light
  2. Transmission of light
  3. Reflection of light
  4. Formation of images by plane and curved mirrors

Sub topic 1: Sources of light

Light has a number of sources. Some are man-made while others are natural. Examples of man made sources of light include: light from candles and light from electric bulbs. Natural sources of light are; the sun, stars, glow-worms, e.t.c. these sources of light can be grouped into luminous and non luminous sources. Luminous bodies or objects generate and emit light by themselves. E.g stars, sun electric lamps e.t.c. Non luminous objects or bodies depend on man-made or natural sources. E.g the moon.

Sub topic 2: Transmission of light

Light is an example of electromagnetic waves because it does not require a material medium for propagation. Some materials allow light to pass through them easily while others do not. Materials that allow light to pass through them so that objects can be seen are called transparent materials. E.g glass and water. Non transparent bodies that allows small amount of light to pass through them such that objects are not seen clearly are called translucent materials or bodies. Examples of such bodies are, frosted glass or tinted glass. Those that will not allow light to pass through them at all are called opaque bodies. Example is wood.

Rays and beams of light

The direction or path along which light energy travels is called a ray of light. A collection of light rays is called a beam.

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