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- Lever and pulley
- Inclined plane and Hydraulic press
- Wheel and Axle, Gear
SUB-TOPIC 1: Lever and pulley
LEVER: In a lever the relative positions of force(F), Effort(e) and Load(L) may vary and this leads to different types of lever. The lever operates on the principle of moment.
FIRST ORDER LEVER: In first order lever, the fulcrum is between the load and the effort e.g crowbar, claw hammer, pliers, scissors, see-saw e.t.c
taking moment about F gives;
clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment
Y x L = X x E
SECOND ORDER LEVER: In second order lever, the load is between the effort and the fulcrum. E.g wheelbarrow, bottle opener, nut cracker
THIRD ORDER LEVER: In third order lever, the effort is between the load and fulcrum. E.g Forearm of a human being, tongs e.t.c
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