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CONTENT:   1) Local Government Administration:

(a) The Meaning of local government.

(b) Reasons of the creation of local governments.

(c) Functions of local governments

(d) Systems of local government; (i) The French system, (ii) The British System, (iii) The Nigerian System.


Local government is government at a local level of established by an act of parliament or statue, decree or edict, charged with administrative and executive duties on matters concerning the inhabitants of a particular district, and given the power to make  by-laws for their purpose.

It can also be defined as government at the local level established by law to perform specific functions within defined areas.

Reasons of the creation of local government

  1. Participatory Democracy: local government provides an opportunity for the citizens to practice the democratic form of government in their community.
  2. Bringing Government closer to the citizens: local governments are created to enable them to fashion out good policies and programmes which the local communities require.
  3. Equitable socio-economic development: they are created to serve as a means of distributing the resources of the country equitably for the socio-economic development of the localities.
  4. Choice of Leadership: local governments give people the opportunity to elect their own people as their representatives in the local government council.
  5. The link between the people and the government: local governments act as a link between the rulers and ruled.
  6. Experimentation of Government Policies: The local government are often used as experimental grounds for testing the policies and programmes of the government.
  7. To provide employment opportunity to the people.
  8. To encourage the development of leadership potentials of the people at the grass root level.

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