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CONTENTS: (a) meaning of convenience foods (b) Reasons for food preservation (c) types of foods to be preserved (d) preservation of food (e) preparation of food for preservation (f) methods of food preservation  

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning of convenience foods, Reasons for food preservation.

Convenience foods are pre-prepared food that have been preserved or processed to reduce or eliminate the time of preparation and cooking that may be required. Some of these foods are pre-cooked and need to be heated before serving; they are usually sold in packets, tin and bottles. Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and cereals are available in convenient form.

Meaning of food preservation.

Food preservation is the act of keeping food in good condition to prevent decay and be made readily available for consumption when needed. Decay is caused by the growth of microorganisms such as yeast, moulds and bacteria which are present in most fruits and vegetables. All foods decay sooner or later, but some do so much faster than other.

The art of food preservation is based on the following:

  • Destruction of microorganisms
  • Prevention of their entry into the food.
  • Arrest of the action of food enzymes
  • Arrest or prevention of purely chemical reactions.

The above principles can be achieved by employing different preservation methods

Reasons for food preservation

Foods are preserved for the following reasons:

  • To have varieties of food available, in case an emergency situation
  • To conserve food and prevent wastage in time of plenty
  • To avoid waste of money by purchasing food when they are expensive
  • To allow us to buy and eat foods that are not in season.
  • To prevent spoilage

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