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CONTENT: ­ (a) Meaning of Presentation package (i) Use of Presentation package


Meaning of Presentation Package

A Presentation package is a computer software package that is used to display information usually in the form of a slide show. It is often called graphic presentation. A presentation package can also be defined as software for creating documents or animations for presentation.

 Examples of Presentation Packages are;

  1. Microsoft PowerPoint.
  2. Harvard graphics
  3. Windows movie maker
  4. Macromedia flash
  5. org Impress

Uses of Presentation Package

Presentation packages are used to display Information usually in the form of a slide show via the integration of multimedia such as digital video and sounds. Other uses of the internet are;

  1. Multimedia lectures
  2. Student reports
  • Handouts
  1. Multimedia story books

Sub-topic 2

Getting started with PowerPoint

–     Click on start menu

–     Point to program icon

–     Click on Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint Environment

PowerPoint View

PowerPoint provides different types of views to work with, while a presentation is being created. These views are:

  1. Slide view
  2. Outline view

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