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(a) Meaning of Environmental physiology
(b) Effects of changes in climate such as
(i) Temperature
(ii) Relative humidity
(iii) Light on growth, reproduction, milk production, egg production etc.
Sub-topic: Meaning of Environmental physiology
Environmental physiology is the study of the interrelationship between an organism’s physical functioning and its environment. It also encompasses plant physical functioning.
Environmental physiology refers to the effects of the environment on the growth and performance of farm animals. Apart from good feeding, health services render to farm animals changes in the environmental factors determine the productivity of any farm animals. Too high or too low of any of the elements of weather causes negative effects on the well being of the animals.
Effects of Changes in Climate on the Growth of Farm Animals
Extremely high temperature leads to the following:
- Panting of chicks and sometimes shouting
- Reduction of feed intake in poultry
- Increase in water intake
Extremely low temperature leads to the following:
- retarded growth or even death of monogastric animals
- Reduces feed conversion efficiency
- Mortality of birds increases through huddling and suffocation
High Relative Humidity causes the following
- Reduces feed intake of farm animals
- Causes mouldiness of feed in poultry leading to low feed intake and retarded growth
- High Intensity of Radiation affects
- food intake of farm animals
High Rain Fall
- Reduces growth
- May even lead to death.
- There is high multiplication of insects such as tsetse flies which transmit trypanosomiasis
- It aids the spread of diseases. e.g tuberculosis.
- The growth of animals is retarded
- May even leads to death
- Wind of moderate velocity bring about
- Good ventilation which eventually enhances normal growth of farm animals.
Effects of Changes in Climate on Reproduction: Reproduction in animals are affected when there is sharp changes in climatic conditions in environment where animals are reared. The following can be noticed
- Low rate of conception or fertilization in farm animals when the temperature is high
- Frequency of mating, quantity and quality of SEMEN is increased when the temperature is increased
- Heat period in female animals is affected by high temperature leading to low reproductive capacity
- Fertility and hatchability eggs in poultry deceases at high temperature
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