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CONTENT: (a) type of eggs (b) nutritional value of eggs (c) test for egg (d) egg cookery  (e) Uses of eggs in cookery

Sub-Topic 1: TYPES OF EGG

Eggs are oval objects with a thin but hard shell produced by female reptiles. An egg is composed of several parts which perform different functions. Beside the shell, yolk and white, the egg contains an air cell, chalazae, a cutline membrane and shell membrane


  • Fertile Egg: these are eggs that can be incubated and developed into a chick.
  • Organic egg: are produced from hens that have been given feeds that are aided by commercial fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.
  • Free range Egg: a name given to egg produced by hens that have been raised outdoors.


Eggs are fantastic foods that contain a hug number of vitamins and minerals tat are required by the body for optimal health and growth. They provide vitamin A, B and especially a rich source of vitamin B12 and B2, D and E. They are rich in calcium, iron, selenium phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium. They are low in sugar and do not contain any carbohydrate and vitamin C.

Eggs provide essential amino acid to the body and their proteins are highly digestible.

A large boiled egg only contains 78calories and 5.3g fat. The fat present is saturated and not good to the body. The level of cholesterol in egg is high.

Test for egg


Fill a fairly deep bowl with salted water and carefully lower the egg into the water. A very fresh egg will immediately sink to the bottom and lie flat on its side. This is because the air cell within the egg is small. The egg would also be quite heavy.

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