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Speech Work: Contrast of Monophthongs: /æ/ and/a:/; /e/ and /Ʒ:/; Vocabulary Development; Words associated with Health; Reading Comprehension: Reading for main points: ‘Bride-price and Polygamy’ (NOSEC, pages 19 – 20) Structure: Pronouns: (Introduction, Types, Functions and Usage); Writing Skills: Argumentative Writing: (Vocatives) ‘Military rule is better than civilian rule’; Summary: Exercise: ‘Dogs as Reliable Companions’ (NOSEC, pages 38 – 39).


TOPIC:  Contrast of Monophthongs: /æ/ and/a:/; /e/ and /Ʒ:/

Contrasting /æ/ and /a: / sounds

The/æ/ and /a:/ are sometimes confused. Often times there are mix up in the pronunciation as one is mispronounced for the other. The primary contrasts exist in manner and places of articulation. /æ/ is a short vowel sound pronounced with spread lips while /a: / is a long vowel sound pronounced with the lips at the neutral position.

The /æ/ sound is realised in the following words:

Mad, cat, back, ran, pack, and, bad bat, rag, man, fan, pat, map, rag, lack, sang, hat, clap, pat, lamb, as, badge, match, ban ham, madam, etc

The /a: / sound is realised in the following words:

march, farm, part, part, barn, clerk, bath, staff, heart, palm, calf, half, laugh, bark, barge, parch, arm, car, bark, etc.

Differentiating between the/æ/ and /a: / sounds

                       /æ/                      /a: /
Ham Harm
Cat Cart
Bath Bath
Ram Ramp
Pack Park
Ban Barn
Match March
Ant Aunt

ACTIVITY: Listen attentively as your educator pronounces the pairs of words in the table above.

EXERCISE Choose from the words listed A –D the one that contains the sound segment represented by the given phonetic symbol.

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