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Politicians seek for power to rule over the people through elections. Prior to the election, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) usually announce election time table which serves as guide. Competition for power among various political parties for various political offices in the nation is usually a struggle. Political parties compete for power through the following:

  1. Manifestos: Manifesto is a written or printed statement of the beliefs, principles, aims and objectives of a political party for an election. A manifesto also contains the programme of activities of all the political parties. Political parties usually present their manifestoes to the electorate during campaigns and political realities in order to get their votes.
  2. Campaigns: This is an organized effort of the members of a political party that seeks the electorate to vote for their party. It is a forum used to present representatives to the electorate to be voted for during elections.
  3. Propaganda: This is the spread of information or ideas by a political party or government to influence people’s opinions and belief by not giving them the facts. This is used to influence the electorate to vote for the party.
  4. Media discredits: This is a process of using media (radio, television, Newspapers and magazines) as a weapon against opposition parties. The campaign message of the political party is twisted and used against the other party members in order to discredit them before the electorate.
  5. Political speeches: A political speech is a formal talk given by a politician to an audience. This could be done at an election campaign or given through radio or television to convince the electorate to vote for such politician.
  6. Political rallies: A political rally is a public meeting of a large group of people especially to show support for a political party. It involves the candidates, supporters, well-wishers and the press.
  7. Elections: An election is a formal decision-making process in which a group of persons choose an individual for public office such as the legislative and the executive post. This process is usually done through voting.

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