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TOPIC:  Fruits/vegetables


  • Types of fruits
  • Nutritive value of fruit
  • Differentiate between fruits and vegetables
  • Factors affecting the choice of fruits and vegetables
  • Preparation and serving of fruits

SUBTOPIC 1: Types of fruits, Nutritive value of fruit

Definition of fruit

A fruit is a natural ovary of a flower, including the seed and any other part of the flower remaining attached to it.

Fruit is naturally sweet, colourful, high in vitamins and fibre and low in calories and fat. Vitamin C and photochemical, including antioxidant, abound in fruits.

Antioxidants destroy harmful substances in the body called free radicals which can build up and cause cancer. Many domesticated indigenous fruits are essential part of household diet.

Types of fruits

Common types of fruits in our locality: guava, mango, palm tree fruit, African pear, lemon, lime, pawpaw, cashew,

coconut, sweet orange, grape fruit, mandarins’ orange tangerine, sour sop, avocado pear, banana, pie apple, water, melon, apples

Fruits can be classified majorly into two groups:

  • Fresh fruits
  1. Soft fruits e.g., berry, cashew, banana and sour sop etc.
  2. Hard fruits e.g., apples, pears, plum, water melon etc.
  3. Citrus fruits e.g., oranges, lemons, grape fruits, tangerines etc.
  • Dried fruits such as figs, dates and apricot

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