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Speech Work: Vowels /eǝ/ and /iǝ/;

Comprehension/Summary: The Case for Building Wooden Houses in Nigeria.

Vocabulary Development (words associated with profession- Advertising)

Structure: Introduction to auxiliary verbs

Writing Skills: Argumentative Essay – Child Abuse, who is to be blamed –Government or Parents? (Oral.)

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Vowels /eǝ/ and /iǝ/

The starting point of the diphthong /eǝ/ is the same vowel sound as the /e/ of ‘ten’. It glides to ǝ as in the beginning of ‘along’ and is pronounced ‘air’.

Letters                                                   keyword

ae Aeroplane, aerial, anaerobic, aerate, etc
are Care, bare, pare, fare, dare, mare, spare, share, tare, etc
ay Mayor, etc
ere Compare, where, there, etc
ey Eyrie, etc
air Pair, fair, air, chair, hair, stair, etc
ear Tear (verb), bear, wear, pear, etc
eir Heir, their, etc
A                                    scarce, Mary, Sarah, vary, malaria  
Note: “tear” or “tears” which means a drop of salty water that comes from the eye when one cries, etc is pronounced /iǝ/.  

Vowel /iǝ/:

To produce this sound, begin with /i/ sound as in ‘tin’ and immediately change to ǝ as in the beginning of ‘along’. It is pronounced “ear”.

letters Keywords
ie Pierce, fierce, tier, pier, brazier, etc
eu Museum
io Curious, serious, savior, idiot, idiom, etc
ere Here, mere, revere, sincere, etc
e Zero, serious, hero, period, serious, query, etc,
ear Clear, fear, rear, ear, sear, hear, beard, gear, tear, (noun) etc
eo Gaseous, theology, theory, etc
eer Queer, beer, cheer, steer, peer, seer, veer, deer, sheer, etc
ey Eyrie

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