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  1. Democracy
  2. Political culture
  3. Political socialization


Democracy can be defined as a system of government in which the exercise of political power and authority is vested in the people through their elected representatives. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th American president defines democracy as government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Democracy originated from ancient Greece. There are two types of democracy namely; direct and indirect democracy.


  1. There should be majority rule: Majority participates in government as we know that not all would be able to take part in government. The will of the majority as determined through a free and fair election must always hold at the same time.
  2. Tolerance of opposition: Democracy can thrive in an environment where opposition parties or groups are allowed to contribute to the democratic process.
  3. Protection of minority interest: The majority decides but with respect to minority rights
  4. Provision for and guaranteeing of fundamental human rights: The rights of the citizens must be recognized, respected and guaranteed by the constitution and government of the state.
  5. Respect for the rule of law: The law of the land must be supreme and should be no respecter of persons. That is, nobody should be above the law.

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