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TOPIC: Goals of citizenship education


  • Nationalism and major Local/world civic problems.
  • Nationalistic roles of individuals and group.

Sub-Topic 1: Nationalism and major local/world civic problems.

Nationalism: According to Barkindo, et al, 1994, “is an expression of a feeling of common identity by a group.” J.H Price in 1970 defined “Nationalism as a policy designed to achieve self-determination by removal of alien rule”

Nationalism is the sense of attachment and consciousness that a citizen has for his country such that he is ready to give all he can to serve the state and promote the country towards development.

A nationalist is the one who lives to buy a future for his nation and the betterment of humanity.

Nationalism involves showing respect for the symbols of the nation-The Coat of Arms of the country, the National Anthem, the Pledge and the Flag. It can also be described as the strong emotional awareness of belonging to a nation held in bondage by foreign domination which leads to struggle against such foreign rule and domination. A situation of representing the whole country irrespective of the region, state or ethnic group one comes from.

Major local/world civic problems

  1. There are local challenges of equality in the distribution of resources; this is why we have civic problems-Niger Delta where militants are always going on rampage. The Ife/Modakeke conflict in Osun state, Aguleri and Umuleri in Anambra state, fighting between Hausa and Kataf in Kaduna state. Religious crisis in Jos and other Northern states. The recent issue of Boko Haram has caused civic problem which can be described as internal terrorism.
  2. The boundary problems, which also cause bloodshed, and transcends to international boundaries problems causing occasional brushes-Dispute on Bakassi, Peninsula between Nigeria and Cameroon.
  3. Political crisis in Nigeria and other nations of the world such as Libya, Egypt, Syria, Cote D’Ivoire.

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