The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS1 Civic Education Lesson Note on Law and Order. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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CONTENT: Orderliness

Sub-Topic 1- Meaning of orderliness

Meaning of orderliness

Orderliness can be described as a condition where things follow laid down procedures. It is also the act of behaving in a decent manner in conformity to standard, of morality, good taste, and devoid of immodesty. It is doing the right thing at the right place at the right time.

Law and orderliness simply mean; a rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement or authority. It is the body of rules and principles governing the affair of a community and enforced by a political authority.

It is also the condition of social order and justice created by compliance to such a system, a piece of enacted legislation; a code of principles based on morality, conscience or nature; and also, a principle of organization, procedure or technique.

Law and order is maintained in an environment free from disturbances, disquietness and disorganization and firm and decisive action is taken against theft, violence and disturbance of public peace with swift enforcement of sanctions or penalties.

Doing things orderly would mean allowing things to take their normal course, terms and follow prescribed procedures. It could mean allowing things to be in the best way they fit in or arranging things following their ascending or descending values such that they are neatly and carefully organized or arranged.

To be orderly therefore, is to be organized, well comported, and maintained decency in whatever we are asked to do. For instance, when we are in the dining hall to take our meal, we should rush or be in a haste thereby making the place rowdy and disorganized. It should not be a time of talking or discussing with friends, instead we are expected to be properly seated and maintain proper table manners. We must not take more than our due ration. Such actions is a dent on our character and conduct and promotes disorderliness and confusion.

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