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TOPIC: Introduction to Civic Education


  1. Meaning and need for civic education
  2. Objectives of civic education.
  3. Importance of civic education.
  4. Agents of civic education


Meaning of Civic Education

The word ‘Civic ‘is a Greek word which simply means,’ citizen of a city or an area’. Civics refers to educating the citizens. Civic Education simply means educational and learning activities specifically meant to create awareness, teach right values, right attitudes and behaviour that are acceptable to the society they live in.

It can also be defined as the branch of learning that enables us to understand the activities of government, our rights as citizens, the duties and responsibilities we owe to ourselves and the society at large. Civics is the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship, its rights and duties; the duties of citizens to each other as members of a political body and to the government.

The need for Civic Education

  1. It enhances people capacity to understand their roles, obligations and duties to their fellow citizens and government
  2. It creates awareness among citizens on the duties of the government to the citizens
  3. Civic Education also generates concern for the values by which a civilized society is identified.
  4. .It is for public education and awareness.


  1. What is meant by Civic Education?
  2. State two needs for the study of civic education.


The objectives of civic education are:

  1. To teach the right attitudes that is acceptable in the society.
  2. To encourage good citizenship.
  3. To develop the spirit of cooperation and friendship
  4. To teach good leadership and followership.
  5. To dissuade citizens from bad and unholy behaviours like indecent dressing, examination malpractices, prostitution, cultism, etc.
  6. To encourage religious tolerance.
  7. To expose students to the various ways of achieving community and national development.

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