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TOPIC: Introduction to Chemistry


  1. Meaning of chemistry
  2. Career prospects tied to chemistry
  3. Application (i) Hospital (ii) Military (iii) Teaching (iv) Chemical and petrochemical industries.
  4. Adverse effects of chemicals, drug abuse, poisoning,
    • Corrosion and pollution.
  1. Scientific methods.


Chemistry is the study of matter: its structure, composition, properties and the changes it undergoes.

Chemistry is one of the three main branches of pure science, the other two being physics and biology. Chemistry which probes into the principles governing the changes that matter undergoes also deals with the composition, properties uses of matter. Some of the chemical changes which matter undergoes include; lighting a match, cooking, burning fire wood, making palm wine, rusting of nails, rotting of leaves.                                           Chemical changes are otherwise known as chemical reactions. The knowledge of chemistry helps us to subject some matter to chemical processes thereby producing some materials for our every day today use. Such materials include: soaps, detergents, hair cream, perfumes, oil, margarine and plastics among others.

There are three main branches of chemistry: inorganic, organic and physical chemistry.

Career prospects tied to chemistry

Career prospects tied to chemistry simply mean the job opportunities that are available for the students with knowledge of chemistry. Such students can be employed with private and public sectors which include: Teaching service, health service, food processing, petroleum and petrochemical industries, manufacturing industry, extractive industry, Agriculture and Forestry.

  • Teaching services: Concern those who teach in primary, secondary schools, colleges of education and universities and even the laboratory assistants in schools and universities.
  • Health service: Involves pharmacists, biochemists, chemists, nutritionists, dieticians, doctors, nurses, medical assistants, laboratory assistants and dispensers.
  • Food processing: Food processing involves food technologists and research chemists.
  • Petroleum and petrochemical industries – Involve application of the following people; research chemists, chemical engineers and laboratory assistants.
  • Extractive industry- Involves chemists, mining engineers and geologists.
  • Manufacturing Industry: This involves research chemists and chemical engineers in the wide variety of manufacturing industries such as iron and steel works and cement factories.

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