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Sub-Topic: Small Equipment and Utensils

Small equipment and utensils have versatile uses. They are made from a variety of materials such as non-stick coated metal, iron, steel, copper, aluminum, plastic and wood. The care and maintenance of these equipment vary as their materials.

IRON:- Items of equipment used for frying such as movable fritures and frying pan of all types, are usually made of heavy, black wrought iron. Frying pans are available in several shapes and many sizes e.g. omelet pan, oval fish-frying pan, frying pans, pancake pans.

Some of these frying pans are made non-stick while others need proving to make them non- stick

How to prove a Pan

  • Heat the pan with a film of fat until lightly hazy
  • Sprinkle a little salt with it
  • Wipe using a clean kitchen cloth
  • The pan is ready to use


  • Do not wash with abrasives
  • Due to constant use they acquire a thin veneer which could be washed off with constant washing
  • Wash in hot detergent solution and rinse in hot water
  • Hang to dry

Baking Sheets:- Baking sheets are made in various sizes, of black wrought steel. The less they are washed the less likely they are to cause food to stick. New baking sheet should be washed, heated thoroughly in the oven, thoroughly wiped with a clean cloth and then lightly oil. Baking sheets should be greased before using to prevent food from sticking onto them. They should be cleaned immediately after use while they are still warm. They should be cleaned by scrapping off the residue and dry wiping. Hot detergent water should be used for washing. Abrasive should not be use. After washing they should be dried in the oven or wiped dry.

Tartlet and Briquette molds and Cake tins should be treated in the same way as baking sheets.

TINNED STEEL: A number of items are made from this metal:

  • Conical strainer (chinois) used for passing sauces and gravies
  • Fine conical strainer, used for passing sauces and gravies
  • Colander used for draining vegetable
  • Vegetable reheating container
  • Soup machine and mold strainer, used for passing thick soups, sauces and potatoes for mash
  • Sieves

CARE:-  1) Wash in hot soapy water after use, 2) Hang to dry to avoid rusting


Minimum use of aluminum is recommended. Stainless steel is preferred. Sauce pans, stockpots, sauté uses, sauté pans and dishes of all sizes, braising pans, fish kettle and large deep pans are made in cast aluminum. They are expensive.


  • The pans do not tarnish
  • Due to their heavy strong construction they are suitable for many cooking processes


  • Aluminum is a soft metal therefore other metals are added to make pans stronger
  • Food dis-colouration can occur when food is mixed in it.
  • Only wooden spoon is used for mixing in aluminum pans.
  • Metal whisk or spoon is avoided
  • Water boiled in aluminum pans is unsuitable for tea-making
  • Acid foods react with aluminum pans

CARE: 1) Wash in hot soapy water; 2) Avoid using abrasives to wash aluminum pans.

STAINLESS STEEL:- Stainless steel is the best for pans and bowls and almost all kitchen equipment. Heavy stainless pans, incorporating an extra thick aluminum base that gives excellent heat diffusion, are available. They are suitable for all surfaces except induction hobs.


  • High rust resistance
  • Durable
  • Easily accessible
  • Easy to clean
  • Does not tarnish easily


  • It is a high conductor of heat

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