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Topic: Principle of cooking- method of cooking contd, measuring equipment –types and uses e.g., scale Spoons etc.

Sub Topic1: Principle of cooking- method of cooking

Sub topic 2: Measuring equipment –types and uses e.g. scale spoons etc.

Sub Topic 1: Principle of cooking- method of cooking contd.

GRILLING: – This is the cooking of food by radiated heat. It is sometimes known as BROILING. There are different ways of grilling

  1. Over Heat Grill: – Here the food to be cooked is placed over the heat on hot iron bars brushed with oil. The bars should char the food on both sides to give the distinctive appearance and flavor of grilling. The thickness of the food and the heat of the grill will determine the cooking time. Uses, charcoal, heated grill by gas or electricity, griddle.
  2. Under Heat Grill (Salamander):- This is the placing of food under the heat. The bars are pre-heated and brushed with fact. This can be done using electric or gas salamanders. Because of the speed of the cooking foods retain maximum amount of nutrients and flavor.
  3. Between Heat Grilling: – This is done between electrically heated grill bars or plates. It is applied to small cuts of meat.


The following are effects of grilling on meals.

  • Because of the speed of cooking there is maximum retention of nutrients and flavor
  • Grilling is suitable for first class quality meat
  • Heat on the surface of the meat coagulated and seals the surface protein, this helps the meat retain its juice.


  • It enables food to be cooked quickly to order
  • Foods cooked by this method have a distinctive flavor and appearances.
  • Cooking can be controlled as food is visible while it is cooking
  • Grilling lends variety to menu and diet
  • Grilling can be done where the customer can see.

Rules for efficient grilling

  • Smaller, thinner items require cooking quickly.
  • Seal and color food on the hot part of the grill then move to a cooler part to complete cooking
  • Slow cooking dries out the food
  • Basting of food and creasing of bars prevents dryness.
  • Tongs are used for turning and lifting meat while palate knifes are used for turning vegetables and fish.
  • Be mindful of the heat of the grill as you work

FRYING: Is the cooking of food in pre-heated fat. There are two majors methods of frying. They are: 1) Shallow Frying, and 2) Deep Frying

SHALLOW FRYING: Is the cooking of food in a small quantity of preheated fat or oil in a shallow pan or on a flat surface i.e. griddle plate. Shallow frying is categorized into four methods. They are Shallow-fry, Santé, griddle and stir-fry.

  1. Shallow-Fry: Food is cooked in a small amount of fat or oil in a frying pan or santé pan. The presentation side of the food should be fried first. This applies to small cuts of meat, fish and poultry, eggs, pancakes and certain vegetables. ‘Meuniere’ refers to shallow fried fish which is passed through seasoned flour, shallow-fried and finished with lemon juice, nut brown butter and chopped parsley.
  2. Santé: Tender cuts of meat and poultry are cooked in a santé pan or frying pan. After the food is cooked on both sides it is removed from the pan, the fat is discarded on the pan deglazed with stock or wine which now form an important part of the finished sauce.
  3. Griddle: This is placing of foods to be cooked on hot solid metal plate (griddle). Hamburgers, sausages or sliced onions can be placed on lightly oiled, pre-heated griddle and turned frequently during cooking. Pancakes can be cooked in this way but turned only once.

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