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Meaning of Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture: 

Basically, agriculture is of two types. All farms are not the same. Some are rich while others are poor; some have large areas of land while others have very limited land space. The differences among all farmers categorized agriculture into two major types. These are subsistence and commercial agriculture

  • Subsistence(farming) Agriculture: This is the type of agriculture whereby a farmer cultivates soil and rears animals in order to produce food enough to feed himself and his family, with little or none for sale.
  • Commercial(farming) Agriculture: This is the type of farming which involves the production of cash crops and animals in large quantity . Food are produced  purposely for sale. It  His desire is to make maximum profit. It is therefore a profit-oriented venture/enterprise.

Characteristics of Subsistence Agriculture

  • Produces purposely for family consumption.
  • Small land is used for production
  • Farmer and his family members do the labour.
  • Simple farm tools like hoe, cutlass, spade, rake etc. are used.

Characteristics of Commercial Agriculture

  • Produce purposely for sale to make maximum profit.
  • Large area of land is used as a result large-scale production is made.
  • Hired and skilled workers are used for labour.


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Sub-topic 2

Difference between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture.


• Produces purposely for family consumption

•  Small land is required .

• Simple farm tools e.g. cutlass, hoe, axe, spade, rake, watering can etc. are used

•  No need for storage and processing facilities

•  Low environmental pollution

• Agrochemicals are not majorly used


•  Produces purposely for sale to make profit

•  Large area of land is required .

•   Modern farm machinery e.g. Bulldozer, tractors, planters, combined harvesters, air craft etc. are used

•  Processing and storage facilities are required

•           High environmental pollution

•           Agro-chemicals are majorly used


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