This content is just an excerpt from the complete lesson note for Primary Four First Term Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Lesson Note. Check the link attached to download the complete lesson note << DOWNLOAD FILE >> 


Class: primary 4

Topic: God speaks to us.

  1. Ways in which God speaks to people. Ex 33:11
  2. Purpose of God speaking to people 1 Sam 3.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

  1. List ways in which God speaks to us.
  2. List the purpose of God speaking to us.

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook charts and pictures.

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic


Guide to Bible passages

Genesis 32:22-32; Exodus 33:11; 34:27-35; 1 Samuel 3

God speaks to people

Do you have good friends? What do you do when you are with them? No doubt, one of the things you do whenever you see them is to speak with them.  Did you know that God speaks to people too? Yes, He does! During Old Testament times, God spoke to many of his servants. When Moses was the leader of the Israelites, God used to speak to him face to face – just like we do with our friends. Then there was the Prophet, Samuel who started hearing God speak to him from when he was a very little boy until he became an old man.

Evaluation: The teacher asks Pupils questions in relation to the topic.

  • – Do you speak with your friends?
  • – List some of the ways God speaks to people in the old testament.

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