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Week ONE


What is mercy?

Mercy means the willingness to forgive rather than revenge or punish. Mercy helps us to show kindness and pity towards those who suffer. Jesus teaches us to have mercy on others and even those who have wronged us. Mercy simply means the ability and willingness to have pardon those who offend us. We must forgive instead of taking revenge. As children, our parents can do us bad. Also, our classmates or schoolmates may wrong us. We need to forgive and show them mercy. In the Lord’s Prayer, we are to forgive so that our heavenly father will also forgive us.

One day, Peter asked Jesus how often should he forgive if his brother continues to sin against him. He wanted to know if it should be seven times. Jesus replied, ‘I do not say up to seven times but seventy times seven. That is, four hundred and ninety times in a single day. This is not practicable. What Jesus was teaching us here is that we should have mercy always without keeping a record of wrongs that people do to us.

God’s mercy on us

Jesus taught us many parables about how God shows mercy on us. God is loving, kind and merciful. He always has mercy when we come to him in humility.

Jesus’ teaching on mercy and forgiveness was brought out in the parable of the prodigal son. Jesus also had an encounter with Mathew, the tax collector.

The story of the prodigal son

In a certain city, a man had two sons. One day the younger son demanded for his own share of the father’s wealth. His father was surprised. He said that inheritance was not to be shared until after a man died. The son would not listen to his father. Eventually, the father gave him his own share. Afterward, he travelled to a far away country. Not long after, he lavished and wasted everything he collected from his father. He later became very poor and helpless.

Suddenly, there was a famine in the city. The prodigal son had to work in a swine yard. His condition was so bad that he wanted to eat from the pigs’ food. One day he came to his senses and said,

‘I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him, father I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer fit to be taken as your son, treat me as one of your servants. ‘He went back home. From a far distance, his father saw him and ran to him; he kissed him and asks his servants to put a ring, new clothes and sandals on him.

The acceptance of the prodigal son by his father shows how God would have mercy on us.


  1. God shows us mercy because He loves us.
  2. He shows us mercy for the sake of His son Jesus who died for us and redeemed us from evil and sin.
  3. He shows us mercy because He is our father and we are His dear children


  1. Explain the meaning of mercy?
  2. Mercy helps us to show ____________
  3. How often should we forgive our brother?
  4. List two reasons why God shows us mercy

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