by Sunday | Oct 4 | NABTEB QUESTIONS
Bitmap is used to convert text for the purpose of modification (ii) To: – pick the drawing tool – drop tool after use – select object – deactivate drawing tool etc.
by Sunday | Oct 4 | NABTEB QUESTIONS
Spreadsheet is an array (collection) of rows and columns which form cells in which data can be entered
by Sunday | Oct 4 | NABTEB QUESTIONS
i. font size ii. font color iii. character spacing iv. line formatting v. page formatting vi. paragraphing vii. bullets and numbering viii. change case etc
by Sunday | Oct 4 | NABTEB QUESTIONS
1. It saves time 2. Storage 3. Speed 4. Word wrap 5. Easy editing 6. Spell checking 7. Inserting picture 8. Duplication 9. easy formation etc
by Sunday | Oct 4 | NABTEB QUESTIONS
Word processing is the use of computer to create, revise, format, edit and save document for printing