by Sunday | Jan 8 | Literature In English JAMB
A. Verisimilitude B. Dialogue C. Objectivity D. Subjectivity Correct Answer: Option C – Verisimilitude
by Sunday | Jan 8 | Literature In English JAMB
A. a prologue B. an epilogue C. a dirge D. a monologue Correct Answer: Option B – an epilogue
by Sunday | Jan 8 | Literature In English JAMB
A. a list of characters B. order of appearance C. cast list D. protagonist and antagonist Correct Answer: Option A – a list of characters
by Sunday | Jan 8 | Literature In English JAMB
A. is undeveloped B. undergoes changes C. dies abruptly D. achieves greatness Correct Answer: Option A – is undeveloped
by Sunday | Jan 8 | Literature In English JAMB
“Lift not the painted veil which those who live call life: through unreal shapes be pictured there, And it mimic all we would believe With colors idly spread,-behind, lurk fear.” P.B. Shelley:Sonnet A. couplet B. sestet C. quatrain D. sonnet Correct...
by Sunday | Jan 8 | Literature In English JAMB
And when you trudge on one horny Pads Gullied like the soles of modern shoes Pads that even jiggers cannot conquer A. sole of a pauper B. sole of a soldier C. policeman D. madman Correct Answer: Option B – sole of a...