In fulfilling the general and special objectives of the institution, call for the provision of a variety of postgraduate programmes degrees of PGD., M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. are contained in this piece. Exclusively, the content showcases the List of Postgraduate Courses – Postgraduate Diploma in BASUG – Bauchi State University. You may use the search button to search more on this website or visit the school’s portal.

Faculty of Arts and Education:

  1. Postgraduate Diploma in Arabic

Faculty of Science:

  1. Postgraduate Diploma in Biochemistry
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Botany
  3. Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry
  4. Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology
  5. Postgraduate Diploma in Physics
  6. Postgraduate Diploma in Zoology

Faculty of Social and Management Sciences:

  1. Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics
  3. Postgraduate Diploma in Management
  4. Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration

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