Going by what the school made available, erudites.ng presents a complete list of Postgraduate Courses in PLASU – Plateau State University. you are therefore advice to carefully check out for your intending course of study in the school.

Available Postgraduate Programmes.


Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics / Extension

Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)

  1. Agricultural Economics
  2. Applied Economics and Policy
  3. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

  1. Agricultural Economics
  2. Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
  3. International Economics and Finance (Part-Time only)
  4. Environmental Economics and Policy (Part-Time only)
  5. Social Work and Community Development

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  1. Agricultural Economics (Production Economics, Agricultural Finance)
  2. Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
  3. International Economics and Finance (Part-Time Only)
  4. Environmental Economics and Policy (Part-Time Only)
  5. Social Work and Community Development

Department of Animal Science (PGD, M. Sc, PhD)

  1. Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry
  2. Animal Production and Management
  3. Animal Physiology and Reproduction
  4. Animal Breeding and Genetics

Department of Crop and Soil Science (PGD, M. Sc, PhD)

Crop Science with options in:

  1. Crop Production
  2. Crop Physiology
  3. Horticulture
  4. Plant Breeding and Genetics
  5. Seed Science and Technology
  6. Farming Systems and Environment
  7. Environmental Crop Science
  8. Entomology
  9. Plant Pathology

Soil Science with options in:

  1. Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy
  2. Soil Physics and Conservation
  3. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry
  4. Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Technology
  5. Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
  6. Pedology
  7. Environmental Soil Science

Department of Fisheries

Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)

  1. Aquaculture
  2. Marine Biology
  3. Fisheries Biology
  4. Fisheries Policy and Management

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

  1. Aquaculture
  2. Marine Biology
  3. Fisheries Biology
  4. Fisheries Policy and Management
  5. Fish Nutrition

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  1. Aquaculture
  2. Marine Biology
  3. Fisheries Biology
  4. Fish Nutrition
  5. Fisheries Processing and Utilization
  6. Fisheries Policy and Management

Department of Food Science and Technology (PGD, M. Sc, PhD)

  1. Food Microbiology and Biotechnology
  2. Food Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  3. Food Quality Control and Assurance
  4. Food Process and Storage Technology

Department of Forestry and Environment

  • PGD, Forestry and Environment
  • Masters, Forestry (MF)
  • M.Sc., Forestry and Environment
  • Ph.D., Forestry and Environment

Areas of Specialization:

  1. Silviculture
  2. Forest Resources Economics
  3. Forest Pathology
  4. Forest Soil, Hydrology and Microbiology
  5. Wildlife Ecology
  6. Agro-Forestry
  7. Forest Biometrics
  8. Wood Science
  9. Environmental Forest Ecology
  10. Tree Improvement
  11. Phytomedicine Resources


Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering

  1. Environmental Engineering (M.Tech., PhD)
  2. Farm Power and Machinery Engineering (PhD only)
  3. Soil and Water Engineering (M.Tech., PhD)
  4. Rural Development Engineering (PhD only)
  5. Post-Harvest Process Engineering (PhD only)

Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering

  • Chemical Engineering (PGD, M.Tech, and PhD)

Department of Civil Engineering

  1. Structural Engineering (M.Tech, PhD)
  2. Civil Engineering (PGD)

Department of Marine Engineering

  • Naval Architecture and Ship Building (M.Tech.)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

  1. Applied Mechanics and Design (PhD Only)
  2. Thermo-Fluids Engineering (PGD, M. Tech., PhD)
  3. Master of Engineering Management (MEM only)

Department of Electrical Engineering

  1. Power Engineering (PGD, M.Tech., PhD)
  2. Electronics Engineering (PGD, M. Tech.)


Department of Architecture

  1. Sc., Architecture

Department of Estate Management

  1. PGD, Estate Management
  2. Sc., Real Estate

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

  1. Sc., Urban and Regional Planning


PGD, Petroleum and Environmental Law

Master of Laws (LL.M)

PhD in:

  1. International Law and Human Rights
  2. Petroleum and Environmental Law
  3. Business and Industrial Law
  4. Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence


Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in:

  1. Accountancy
  2. Banking and Finance
  3. Management
  4. Marketing
  5. Mass Communication
  6. Office and Information Management

MSc., Accountancy with options in:

  1. Accountancy
  2. Taxation
  3. Public Sector Accounting

MSc., Banking and Finance with options in:

  1. Banking and Finance
  2. Quantitative Finance
  3. Corporate Finance
  4. Financial Markets

MSc., Management with options in:

  1. Human Resources Management
  2. Industrial Relations
  3. Business Policy
  4. Organizational Behaviour
  5. MSc., Marketing
  6. MSc., Mass Communication

Communication and Development Studies

PhD with specialization in:

  1. Accountancy
  2. Banking and Finance (with options as in M.Sc. programme)
  3. Management (with options as in M. Sc. programme)
  4. Marketing


Department of Applied and Environmental Biology (PGD, M.Sc., PhD)

  1. Applied Microbiology and Industrial Microbiology
  2. Applied Environmental and Industrial Entomology
  3. Marine Biology, Marine Pollution Studies
  4. Plant Pathology
  5. Environmental Biology

Department of Chemistry

Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Chemistry

M.Sc., & PhD with specialization in:

  1. Analytical Chemistry
  2. Organic Chemistry
  3. Inorganic Chemistry
  4. Biochemistry
  5. Physical Chemistry
  6. Environmental Chemistry

Department of Medical Laboratory Science (PGD, M.Sc., PhD)

  1. Medical Microbiology
  2. Chemical Pathology
  3. Hematology and Blood Group Serology

Department of Mathematics / Computer Science

PGD in:

  1. Applied Statistics
  2. Computer Science


  • Computer Science

M.Sc., & PhD

  1. Applied Mathematics
  2. Applied Statistics

Department of Physics (PGD, M.Sc., PhD)

  1. Solid State Physics
  2. Theoretical Physics (Plasma Physics, Fluid Dynamics)
  3. Applied Geophysics


  1. Postgraduate Diploma
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
  3. Postgraduate Diploma in Technical Education (PGDTE)

Department of Business Education (M.Ed.)

  • Business Education

Department of Educational Foundations (M.Ed; PhD)

  1. Educational Management
  2. Adult Education and Community Studies
  3. Educational Measurement and Evaluation
  4. Guidance and Counseling

Department of Science and Technical Education (M.Sc., PhD)

Agricultural Education with options in:

  1. Administration
  2. Community Development
  3. Agricultural Resources and Environment

Science Education with options in:

  1. Biology Education
  2. Chemistry Education
  3. Physics Education
  4. Mathematics Education

Technical Education with options in:

  1. Building Technology
  2. Electrical/Electronic Technology
  3. Mechanical Technology
  4. Mechanical Technology
  5. Mechanical Technology


SANDWICH PROGRAMMES are run at Masters and Postgraduate Diploma levels by the Faculty of Technical and Science Education.

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