As contained in this year’s publication for the position of postgraduate, below is detailed compilation of List of postgraduate courses in African University of Science and Technology – AUST. The list is exclusively for master degrees, you can use the website’s search button to check for PhD, PGD, MBA etc.

Postgraduate Degree in MSc and PhD:

  1. Applied Statistics
  2. Aerospace Engineering
  3. Computer Science
  4. Geoinformatics and GIS
  5. Management of Information Technology
  6. Materials Science & Engineering
  7. Mathematical Modeling
  8. Petroleum Engineering
  9. Public Administration
  10. Public Policy
  11. Pure and Applied Mathematics
  12. Space Physics
  13. Systems Engineering
  14. Theoretical and Applied Physics

Click here to read about the MSc or PhD. requirements for AUST or interested in picking up their form for any course, CLICK HERE

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