The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the Lesson Note On The Factors that Affect Feed Requirements of Farm Animals. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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Factors that affect the feed requirement of farm animals

The level of a nutrient or nutritional requirement of an animal depends on the following factors

  1. Age of the animal – young grower
  2. Class of animal – egg producer, ruminant or non-ruminant, meat animal.
  3. Production level – growers, young layers, and old layer dry sow.

Reasons for feeding farm animals:

Feeds are fed to farm animals for the following purposes.

  1. To provide necessary elements for repairing the wear and tear of the body to provide the raw material for the synthesis of body source in growth.
  2. To serve as a source of energy for vital processes in the body e.g growth, work, reproduction, respiration digestion, etc. Generating heat necessary for maintaining body temperature. To serve as raw materials for the production of milk meat egg wool etc.

Feeding equipment

The different equipment used for feeding farm animals are listed below:

  1. Feed troughs: Feeds for animals are placed in the troughs for them to eat. Troughs could be wooden, iron or aluminum. Troughs should be cleansed on daily basis.
  2. Water troughs: Water for the animals is fetched in this equipment. The trough should as well be cleaned regularly
  3. Hay racks: They are used for feeding animals with hay and silage.
  4. Bowl: It is used to pack feedstuff into feeding troughs or containers.
  5. Trays: Feeds for chick and grower mash are place in the trays for young birds. Trays should be cleansed at all times.
  6. Spade and shovel: Spade and shovel are used to mix feed ingredients together.

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