The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the Lesson Note On The Effects of Timely Harvesting Versus Late Harvesting. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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Post-Harvesting Operations

  1. Farm-level processing: These are a series of activities used in converting harvested farm produce into clean and marketable forms.

After harvesting, crops need to be processed so that they can be consumed or stored for future use.

Methods of processing

  • Shelling
  • Dehusking
  • Hulling
  • Threshing
  • Winnowing
  • Decorticating
  • Ginning
  • Peeling
  • Drying

Some crops can be processed directly on the farm, and the various activities involved vary from crop to crop. For cereal crops and legumes, the process involves drying, threshing, and winnowing. For root and tuber crops, it is cleaning as in cocoyam. It is grinding and frying to garri in cassava.

Importance of processing

  1. It facilitates easy packaging
  2. The shelf life of the product enhanced
  3. The palatability of the product is improved
  4. It makes transportation of produce easier
  5. Makes products attractive
  1. Storage: This is the act of keeping farm produce in a place for future use.

Storage materials are used for storing agricultural produce until they are sold or used for the next season’s operation.

They include silos, cribs, rhumbus, bins, barns, compost pits, silage pits, etc.

Importance of storage

  • It preserves quality


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