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TOPIC: Classification of Crops


  1. Classification of crops based on lifecycle
  2. Classification of crops based on morphology

SUB TOPIC 1:  Classification of crops based on life cycle

Lifecycle means a period from germination to harvesting. Based on these, crops are classified into four groups and these are:

  1. ANNUAL CROPS: These are crops that complete their life cycle within one year eg rice, cowpea, millet, groundnut, maize etc
  2. BIENNIAL CROPS: These are crops which complete their life cycle within two years eg carrot, pineapple, ginger etc
  3. PERENNIAL CROPS: These are crops which complete their life cycle in more than two years eg mango, rubber, citrus, oil palm etc
  4. EPHEMERAL CROPS: These are crops that complete their life cycle within a very short time (probably within three months) eg amaranthus, tomatoes, spinach, celosia etc


  1. Explain what you understand by term life cycle
  2. State the classes of crops based on lifecycle with two examples each.

SUB TOPIC 2: Classification of crops based on Morphology

Based on their structure, crops can be classified into two groups as follows

  1. Monocotyledonous Crops: These are crops that have only one seed leaf (cotyledon). Examples are rice, maize, oil palm, coconut, wheat, barley, sorghum etc
  2. Dicotyledonous Crops: These are crops that have two seed leaves(cotyledons). Examples are cocoa, cowpea, groundnut, mango, citrus, soybeans etc

Differences between Monocot and Dicot plants

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