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WEEK 1        



  • Computer Professional
  • Qualities of good computer professionals

Sub-Topic 1

(a) Computer Professionals:

Computer personnel embrace those personnel who involve in assemble, install, maintain, repair and operate the computer system. The term equally includes the programmer. The computer personnel know the rules and regulations guiding the computer usage.

The administrative structure varies from one organization to another depending on the management of the organisation. However, the structure is somehow similar.

Computer Manager:

He heads the computer department; he oversees the entire day to day running of the computer department.

System Analyst

A system analyst carries out feasibility study on a system. He is the person who thinks of likely problems that may arise from the system and application software and he proffers solution.

System Engineer is in control of all installation of hardware and software of the computer system. He is in charge of servicing, repairs and general maintenance of the system.

Programmer is the person who writes computer programmes according to the specification written by the system Analyst.

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