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Structure (1) (Order of Adjectives)

This is the arrangement of adjectives as the qualify a noun.

Where a number of adjectives are used together, The order depends on the function of the adjective.


  • Determiner—————————-A, An, Some, I met etc.
  • Number/Quantity——————– Two, four, ten etc
  • Value, Quality/ opinion ————-Good, delicious, lovely, charming etc
  • Size————————————Big, small, huge, tiny etc.
  • Age/Temperature——————–Old, young, hot, cold.
  • Shape———————————Round, square, rectangular.
  • Colour——————————–Red, blue, black.
  • Origin——————————–Swedish, Japanese,American,Nigerian, local
  • Material—————————–plastic, wooden, silver,golden,
  • Noun——————————–car, table, cup, roof etc.

NOTE: All the adjectives may not be used at the same time. Whichever one that is selected, the arrangement above will guide you how to arrange them, which one comes before the other?

Eg. A lovely old red post box.

Some small round plastic table.

Some charming small silver ornaments.

Reading for Critical Evaluation ‘Real Facts and Imagined facts’  (NOSEC, pages 65 – 67)

As you already know, sometimes a writer’s purpose is to give information….Are these addition justified by the undoubted facts given by historian (A)?

EVALUATION: Attempt questions a-f on page 67 of NOSEC book 3.

English Structure: Direct and Indirect Speech (NOSEC, pages 24 – 26);

Direct Speech.

Direct speech is the statement as it comes out from the speaker’s mouth without addition or subtraction.

Indirect speech is also known as reported speech.


We shall do will change to they would do.

Today          will change to that day.

These children will change to those children

This year will change to that year.

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