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TOPIC: Democratic Process

CONTENT:   1. The process of voting

The Process of Voting

  1. The independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has the constitutional power to organize and conduct election.
  2. During the election this body gives guidelines, procedures and conditions that the electoral process must follow according to the provision of the constitution.
  3. Eligible voters that is sane people who are 18 and above and also citizens of the country will register their names
  4. The commission will display voters register before the date of the election for cross checking, verification and if need be correction must be done before the day of election
  5. On the day of the election, voters are to check their names at their various polling booths. This usually takes place between 8am to 12 pm.
  6. Once the voter is eligible and has verified his/her name, he/she is expected to queue and cast their vote peacefully
  7. The method of voting is by thumb printing on the voters sheet for the political party/candidate of one’s choice.
  8. However, the commission can use its discretion to determine the modality for the process of voting.

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