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TOPIC: Democratic Process


  1. The meaning of voting
  2. Voters registration.
  3. The importance of voting; the process of voting

Sub-Topic 1: The Meaning of Voting


One of the duties and responsibilities of a citizen is to partake and participate in the political process of electing credible leaders into political positions and authorities. Eligible voters are those who are legally qualified to vote during electioneering process. Registration of voters comes before election. Independent National Election Commission (INEC) and State Independent National Electoral Commission (SIEC) see to the planning, preparation, organization and conduct of elections at national and state levels respectively. In Nigeria, anybody who is below the age of 18 cannot vote.

Definition of Voting:

This is the process of choosing or electing representatives into political offices. The people elect candidates of their choice to represent their interest, advocate for their mandates or needs and fight for their rights in democratic governance. The right of people to vote and be voted for is called Universal Suffrage.

A voter is a person who has the right to vote in an election and has also attained the age for voting (eg in Nigeria 18years)

Voters Education:

This is the process of educating and explaining to citizens  what they are expected to know and do before and during elections.  Various information to be known by voters are:

  1. That they have right to vote once they are 18 and above
  2. The various electoral procedures such as registration, voters card, the day, venue and time of voting etc
  3. Their preferred candidate and its manifesto or intentions.
  4. The presidential system of government as being practiced in Nigeria.

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