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TOPIC: Crimes and National Security


  1. Meaning of National Security
  2. Crimes that affect national security

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning of National Security

National security is the means by which an environment, properties and life is secured and protected from destruction. It can also be explained as a means of preventing and controlling loss of people, money, preventing from having attack and danger. The methods adopted may be through surveillance, patrol, information gathering and devices for detection.


What is national security?

Sub-Topic 2: Crimes that Affect National Security

There are many crimes that are affecting the security of a nation. These crimes include: vandalization of oil pipe line, drug trafficking, illegal bunkering, terrorism, arson, importation of expired foods and drug.

  1. Vandalization of Oil Pipe: this kind of activity is very common in areas where there is oil pipe. There are some mischievous people that want to ventilate their displeasure to the government of the day by spoiling the oil pipe. This is national crime
  2. Drug Trafficking: this is an illegal business of dealing with the buying and sales of illegal drugs.
  3. Illegal Bunkering: this is another crime in which oil pipe is broken and refined oil is illegally collected for sale by people. This is done to sabotage the effort of the government.
  4. Terrorism: it is the use of violence like murder, kidnapping, bombing in order to achieve either political aims or personal interest. This is carried out to force the government of the day to do something about their request. A good example is Boko Haram activities in Nigeria.
  5. Arson: it is an illegal use of fire to destroy a house, building or property. There are times this method is used to cover up misdeed in office by setting ablaze a building so that relevant documents will be burnt off.

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