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Meaning of Business letter

Business letter are Information, correspondence, or mails are conveyed between individuals and organizations.

Types of Business letters layout

There are three types of business letter layout, they are (1) Fully block (2) Modified block (3) Indented block.

(1).Fully block letter format:- All the line of the letter are aligned to the left margin, and there are no indented line. Every line flushes with left margin. E.g

(2) Modified Block letter format:- The return address, date closing and signature start just to the right of the centre of the page or may be flushed with the right margin. The recipient address, salutation, and body of the letter begins at the left margin. Indent your return address, the closing, typed named, optional enclosure to the approximate centre of the page, (position 4.25 to 4.5). Begin at top margin.

(3) Indented letter format:- This is similar to modified block business letter layout but the first line of each body paragraph is indented 5 character spaces from the left margin.

Parts of a Business Letter

(1).Printed Heading/Letter heading: This encloses the logo, name, address, and information of the firm.

(2) Date: the day the letter was written.

(3) Name and address of the recipient

(4) The address of the writer.

(5) The reference number

(6) Salutation

(7) Heading

(8) Body of the letter

(9) Attention line

(10) Complimentary close and or enclosure.

Production or printing of Business Letter

(i)..Connect your system to the printer.

(ii) If it is a new printer it will go through a check and print out a page.

(iii) Install the printer on your system.

(iv) Open a file document that you want to print.

(v) When you are ready to print, go to file and print set up.

(vi) Click on the Printer’s icon; go to the file and then print.

Subtopic 2: Simple Tabulation

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