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1: The annunciation. ISAIAH 9: 6-7; Matt. 1: 18-25; Luke 1: 26-35

  1. The Birth of Jesus. Matt.1: 18-25; Luke 2: 1-7.

Sub-Topic 1: The annunciation of the birth of Jesus.

God made preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ because he wanted to save the world from sin through Jesus Christ. From the time of Adam and Eve till the coming of Jesus Christ, man had continued to sin against God and reject His Kingdom. Man’s sin had separated him from God. Man needed forgiveness of sins so that the good relationship between him and God would be restored.

In the Old Testament, God sent the prophet Isaiah to announce the birth of Jesus. Isaiah prophesied the birth of the Saviour, saying “Behold, a young woman (virgin) shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel which means: God is with us.

The name of the Saviour would be Emmanuel ‘Emmanuel’ is a Hebrew name and it means “God is with us”. God is with us through Jesus Christ to forgive us our sins.

In the New Testament, the announcement of the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ was made by God through the Angel Gabriel. The Angel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary. Mary was a young Jewish woman who lived with her parents in Nazareth, a small city in Galilee. She was a virgin and was righteous before God. She was engaged to be married to Joseph, a man from the house of David. The angel said unto her ‘Hail, O favoured one, the Lord is with you’. But Mary did not understand why Angel Gabriel should address her in that manner she became worried. Angel Gabriel said to her “Do not be afraid Mary, you have found favour…”

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