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(a) Definition of beads

(b) Production of beads

(i) Roll paper beads, (ii) Straw beads (iii) Seed beads (iv) Bottle tops/cover beads

(c) Uses of beads.

Definition of Bead

Beads are small decorative objects made from plastic, glass, stones, ceramics, ivory, and shell usually threaded in a string with others to make a neck lace or rosary.

The main materials are beads and thread. They can be in varying sizes, shapes and colours.

Bead works commonly found in Bida, among the Nupe people of Niger State in Nigeria. The word bead is derived from Middle English bede’ meaning ‘prayer’ and was originally applied to prayer beads, or rosaries..

There are different ways of producing beads .These include:

(i)   Roll paper beads

(ii)  Straw beads

(iii) Seed beads

(iv) Bottle tops/cover beads


  1. Paper is shredded and soaked in water for few days
  2. Excess water is squeezed out and it is pounded into a pulp.
  3. Prepared starch is mixed into it until it goes round it properly. Are d
  4. The pulp is rolled into desired shapes and pierced with a stick to create a hole.
  5. These are dried for days until one is sure all the water in it is dried out.
  6. They can now be painted with desired colours or left plain  after which they carried in there stung on a rope


  1. Different colours of straw are gotten and cut into desired length.
  2. They are strung on a thread using a single colour of cut straws or mixed colours.
  3. The two loose ends are tied together to avoid them from falling off.


  1. Seeds of plants or fruits are dried in the sun until one is sure all the water is out.
  2. These seeds are pierced with a nail or pin.
  3. They are left plain or painted with desired colours and allowed to dry.
  4. These are all strung on a rope and knotted together at the two loose ends.


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