The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Civic Education Lesson Note on Election and Voters Responsibilities. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. Concept of Election
  2. Responsibilities of a voter
  3. Types of elections
  • Concept of Election:

Election: Election is the process of choosing or selecting leaders through voting to represent the people in various government offices. Election remains the most democratic way of choosing leaders, because the people themselves choose who will rule them in government. The positions to be contested for are the posts of the President, Governors, and members of the legislature at the central, state and local governments

Voter: The people who are eligible to voting are called the voters or electorates.

Voting: This is the process of expressing one’s choice of a candidate in an election


OPEN BALLOT: The election conducted in the open place where people line up behind their candidates or signify their support by raising up their hands is known as open ballot.  Here the person contesting will identify those voting for him and this can lead to molestation of others in the opposing camp.

SECRET BALLOT: Is a type of election where voters use ballot paper to cast their vote in a close place such that other voters and contesting candidates may not see them.  Here the candidate may not recognize those voting for him.  The safety of the electorate is guaranteed.


  1. He must come out and register before the actual election takes place.
  2. He must check his name on the revised electoral register at least 3 months before the election.
  3. On the day of election, he must take his voters card and check his name with the staff of electoral commission. Then he can exercise his voting right for the candidate of his choice.
  4. He must be law abiding at the polling station and take instruction at the station from the electoral officers.
  5. He must leave the polling station immediately after voting.


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