The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Business Studies Lesson Note on Responsibilities of Consumer. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  • (i) Meaning of consumer responsibilities.
  • (ii) Responsibilities of consumer.


Consumer responsibility   refers to the role a consumer plays in the way that goods or services are provided and made available to the public   . Therefore   it is the duty of the consumer to be aware of any changes that may have been made and which may affect the performance of the product and so on.


The following are the responsibilities or obligations of the consumers:

  • PRODUCT AWARENESS: It is the responsibility of the consumer to be alert and ask question about the use of products; the price , quality of goods and services he/ she is buying.
  • SOCIAL CONCERN ; A consumer should be aware of the effects his or her consumption have on the   other citizens especially disadvantaged groups, whether in the local  , national or international community.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS; A consumer must understand the environmental consequences of his or her consumption. He or she should understand his or her individual and social responsibility to keep natural resources.
  • PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: A consumer must act to ensure that he or she gets fair deal on products and services because if a consumer is passive about his or her right , he or she will be exploited.
  • ORGANISED GROUP: A consumer must be willing to join organized group to promote consumers interests and rights.
  • He must always collect adequate information and facts about a product or service in the market.
  • He must not engage in dishonest practices nor engage himself in 419 activities
  • He must always report to CPC or any other agencies any complaint he has about a producer or a product

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