The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Basic Science Lesson Note on Uniqueness Of Man. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. Human Beings as Animals
  2. Man as Primate
  3. Man as a Higher Animal

Human beings as Animals (mammals)

Human beings are a special kind of animal. They belong to a special group of animals called mammals. As mammals, they possess the following characteristics:

  1. they have high level of intelligence
  2. They give birth to young ones alive(viviparous)
  3. They possess hair or fur on every part of their body or certain part of the body
  4. They breast-feed their young ones with milk from the mammary glands e.g cow, sheep, cat, man
  5. they have four chambered hearts
  6. they are warm blooded animals

 Man as a Primate

Mammals can be subdivided into many groups, one of the sub-groups is primates.

Human beings belong to a sub-group of mammals called primates. Primate is a member of an order of mammals with a large brain and complex hands and feet.  All primates are mammals but not all mammals are primates. Among the primates are man, gorilla, chimpanzee and monkeys.

They have the following characteristics as primates:

  1. They grasp things with their hands
  2. They can stand and walk upright
  3. They possess nails on their hands and feet
  4. They have no claws
  5. They have eyes in front of their heads and not at the sides
  6. They have an opposable thumb, which they use together with the forefinger to pick things up.
  7. they have large and highly developed brains
  8. many mammals are diurnal i.e they are active during the day and sleep at night.
  9. many are omnivores i.e they feed on both flesh and plants

 Man as a Higher Animal

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