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The distillation process is carried out by heating crude oil to a high temperature. The crude oil changes to vapour and ascends the fractional column. As the vapour ascends the column, it cools, condenses and separates into its fractions. The fractions with lower boiling points separate out on the trays in the upper part of the column, while fractions with higher boiling points separate out in the trays in the lower part of the column.

During the separation of crude oil three stages are involved, separation, conversion and purification. Separation is the first stage where the fractions are splitted by heat. Conversion is the conversion of less useful fractions into more useful ones through thermal cracking or polymerization. Purification is the removal of impurities.

Crude oil fractionates

  1. Natural gas: This is a mixture of gases like methane, butane and ethane use as cooking gas.
  2. Petrol (Gasoline): Petrol is a mixture of volatile liquids. Volatile liquids quickly change into gas.
  3. Kerosene: It is a mixture of fairly volatile liquids.
  4. Gas oil and diesel oil: These are also liquid mixtures of heavy hydrocarbons.
  5. Lubricating oils and grease: These are heavy and viscous liquid mixtures of hydrocarbon. Viscous liquids are thick and sticky.
  6. Bitumen and other residues: These are solid remains from fractional distillation of crude oil.


Crude oil can be exported (or sold) to foreign countries. When refined, its products have a wide range of uses, namely:

  1. Natural gas: It is a fuel which provides heat for domestic and industrial uses. At home, it is used for cooking. Industries use it to manufacture useful chemicals like hydrogen, ethane and tetrachloromethane. Ugheli and Sapele Gas Power Stations produce electricity, using natural gas. It is also used to run furnaces in the manufacture of various goods
  2. Petrol (Gasoline):Motor vehicles and electric generators use it as fuel. It is also used as a solvent for paints and grease
  3. Kerosene: Kerosene: It is used in our homes for domestic cooking. It is also used as aviation fuel.
  4. Gas oil and diesel oil:They are used as fuel by diesel engines for heating. They are also used to produce lighter hydrocarbons, by a process called ‘cracking’ (i.e breaking into lighter compounds)

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