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Speech Work: Consonants /f/and/v/

Structure:  Adverbs: Forms /functions of Adverbs in a given passage;

Comprehension: Vocabulary Development: Reading Skill (Answering questions on a given passage)- Hard Work has a Reward

Composition: More on Narrative composition (Paragraph Development);

Literature: Review on the Genres of Literature (Prose, Poetry and Drama); Use recommended texts.  (The Costly Mistake by Chinelo Ifezulike; Vengeance of the Spirit by Maxwell Onyeka and the poem ‘Nightfall’ by Oiwona Andrew)

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Consonant Sounds

SUB-TOPIC: Consonants /f/and/v


Contrasting /f/ and /v/

The production of /f/ involves the front upper teeth and the lower lips. Because of the partial obstruction caused by the contact between the upper teeth and the lower lip, there is a continuous frictional noise as the airstream passes. There is no vibration of the vocal cord because the glottis is wide open during the production of /f/. This consonant is, therefore, a voiceless sound which has the following spelling symbols:

“f” as   in   feet

“ph” as in Physics

“gh” as in   laugh

Pronounce the following words with /f/ at the initial and final positions:

Initial             –           final

Fun                  –           loaf

Fry                  –           grief

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