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SPEECH WORK: Consonants /p/ and /b/

STRUCTURE: Prepositions

COMPOSITION: Letter Writing (Guided writing: informal letters)


LITERATURE: Folktales-Features/Themes of folktales (NOSEC page34-35.)

ASPECT: Speech work


Consonants /p/ and /b/

  1. /p/ – This is a voiceless bilabial plosive sound. It can be realized at the initial, medial and the final positions.

Examples: pen, peg, paid, leg, keeper, happy, lip, cheap, ship etc.

Note that /p/ is silent when it precedes ‘n’ and some other words like: corps, receipt, psalm, psychiatry, pneumatic, pneumonia etc.

Also, ‘ph’ is pronounced as /f/ and /v/ in certain words such as physics, phobia, phase, Stephen, nephew. Yet, only /p/ is pronounced in ‘shepherd’ while ‘h’ is silent is though both combined in the word.

2./b/ – This consonant, a voiced bilabial plosive, can occur at the initial, medial, and final positions. Its spelling symbols are:

‘b’ – bin, ban, bat, labour, tab, mob, nib.

‘bb’ – babble, blabber, bubble.

Note that ‘b’ is silent when:

  1. It precedes ‘t’ e.g. debt, doubt, subtle.
  2. It succeeds ‘m’ lamb, tomb, bomb, comb, dumb, plumber, climb, plumb, crumb.

However, it is pronounced in chamber, member, timber, timbre, September, November, and December.

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