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ASPECT: Speech work


SUB-TOPIC: Introduction to stress.

Stress, in English Language is the extra force(emphasis)placed on the part of a word to receives strong pronunciation than the other. In English the part or chunk that the word is divisible into is called syllable. Therefore, a particular syllable (sound unit) that is pronounced more than the other is called the stressed syllable. In speech, stress helps us to differentiate the meaning of a word that has the same spelling but different meaning and belong to different part of speech. NOTE : Noun  is stressed  in the first syllable and verb is stressed on the second syllable of two syllable words.

IM-port im-PORT
EX-port ex-PORT
CON-duct con-DUCT
ES-cort es-CORT

NOTE: A word cannot be stressed in English because it has only one syllable; stress can only start from two syllables.

Pronounce these words: EN-ter, O-pen, PA-per, MO-ney, BO-rrow, a-LIVE, di-VINE, a-PPLY, be-WARE, en-JOY etc


  1. Define stress in your own word.
  2. What is the part that pronounced more the other called?
  3. Give examples of stressed words.

ASSIGNMENT: Stress the following words

  1. Parent
  2. Country

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