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Department in an Office/Organization

TOPIC: The Departments in an Office/Organization and their functions


–   General office organization.

–    Functions of the Departments in an organization


There are generally two kinds of offices in an organization.  These are General office and Departmental office.

  1. GENERAL OFFICE: This office deals with all the activities in the day to day running of the organization.  The Administrative Manager is the head of this office.  His responsibility is to coordinate the various activities of other offices.  He controls the office workers, employs and deploys them to the department where their services are needed.
  2. DEPARTMENTAL OFFICE: Departmental offices are set up as supporting unit to assist the department in performing their day to day clerical activities.  In each departmental office, there are departmental heads that controls the works of the subordinate.


  1. How many kinds of offices are there in an organization?
  2. Explain the duties of each of these offices.



A department is one of the divisions or parts of a big or small organization.

The following are the departments and their functions:

  • ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT: this department is the main department or the nerve-centre of the organization. The head of this department is called the administrator or the administrative manager.
  • ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT: This department keeps accounting records.  All monetary matters are referred to it.   It prepares and pays salaries to all employees.  The head of this department is called the Accounting Manager or the chief accountant. In schools, they are called bursars.
  • PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT: This department is concerned with all matters about staff welfare, training, recruitment, evaluation, termination, promotion and retirement.   It is usually headed by a person trained in Personnel Administration or Business Management called Personnel Manager or Human resources manager.
  • PURCHASING DEPARTMENT: This department is in charge of buying of all materials and equipment needed in the organization such as stationery, office furniture, equipment and all other essential goods needed for effective operation of business.  The head of the purchasing department is called Purchasing Officer or Purchasing Manager.

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