The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS1 Basic Technology Lesson Note on Uses and Care of Drawing Instruments and Materials. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. Uses of drawing instruments and materials.
  2. Care of drawing instruments and materials.

Sub-Topic: Uses of drawing instruments and materials

  1. A drawing board is the wooden platform on which the drawing paper is placed before the drawing starts. The two main types are (a) full imperial size which is 812 x 585mm (b) half imperial (585 x 452mm) size.
  2. Tee square is used for drawing horizontal or parallel lines in conjunction with drawing board.
  3. Drawing pencils are of different grades used for general drawing, lettering or freehand sketching and technical or engineering drawing. We have B, 2B, 3B, 4B up to 8B and H, 2H, 3H, 4 H up to 8H pencils.
  4. A Compass: Used for drawing circles and arcs.
  5. A Divider: used for transferring measurement from the metric rule to the drawing.
  6. Set Squares: Are used to draw vertical or diagonal lines.
  7. Drawing Papers: these are best held on the boards with the aid of clips or adhesive tape.
  8. The Protractor: is used for measuring and marking out angles.
  9. Scale Rules: Are used to produce reduced or enlarged sizes of objects.
  10. A Metric Rule: is used for drawing various types of curves.
  11. Drawing paper: This is the paper on which the drawing is produced. The common paper sizes are: A0: 841 * 1189

A1: 594 * 841

A2: 420 * 594

A3: 297 * 420

A4: 210 * 297

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