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SUB TOPIC 2: Measuring tools

Measurement is the first operation in woodwork. It is an activity that involves taking, checking and recording of distance between two points (or dimension) of object.

There are:

  • Linear measurement and
  • Angular measurement.

Linear measurement is when the two points are on a straight line. e.g. length, breadth and height. When there is bending in a size, then we have angular measurement.

Examples of measuring tools are metric rule, inside calipers, outside calipers, pairs of dividers etc.  Metal or wood has to be measured into the required lengths relevant to the expected construction before cutting and construction can be done.

Metric Rule – Is the simplest measuring tool in a woodwork workshop.  It is made of metal, wooden, plastic or coiled tape rule.

  1. Calipers are measuring instruments that are used to measure the diameters of circular shapes. There are three types of calipers.
  2. Inside caliper is used for measuring the diameter of the inner parts of a circular object.
  3. Outside caliper is used to measure the diameter of a cylindrical bar.
  4. Odd-leg caliper is used to measure the center lines of round bars. This caliper is also called Jenny’s Caliper.
  5. Vernier caliper

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