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  • Identification of Metals by Physical Properties
  • Classification of Metals


Sub-Topic 1: Identification of Metals by Physical Properties

Identification of metals can be defined as method used to differentiate one particular type of metal from another and from other materials which are non-metals.

Metals can be identified through their properties.

  • Density – This is the weight of a metal and it varies from metal to metal. E.g. aluminium is light and lead is heavy in weight.
  • Colour/Lustre– This is the appearance of a metal when the surface is polished. For example, when polished and examined under a microscope, copper presents a different appearance from polished mild steel.
  • Fusibility – This is the property of a metal which makes it melt and join with other metals while in a liquid form.
  • Magnetic property – This is property that if a metal possesses it, it is attracted by a magnet. It is used to identify ferrous metals from non-ferrous metals.  A magnet will attract ferrous metal while non-ferrous metals will not be attracted by a magnet.
  • Elasticity or Stretching – This is the elastic property of a metal i.e. ability to stretch
  • Brittleness – When a metal breaks suddenly or cracks easily, then it is said to possess brittleness e.g. glass.
  • Conductivity of Heat – When heat spreads from one part of the body of a metal to other parts much more quickly than it does in other metals when heated this is conductivity of heat.
  • Sound Test – This is the sound heard when any metallic materials is hit with a different type of materials.

The sound heard differs from metal to metal.

Other properties of metals are hardness, malleability and tenacity.


Explain 5 properties of metal.


Sub-Topic 2 – Classification of Metals

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