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 Content: i. Packaging and Packaging Criteria

  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Packaging

Sub-Topic 1: Packaging and Packaging Criteria

Packaging in agriculture is a system whereby goods are packed, wrapped or put inside containers, weighed and priced before they are arranged on the shelves in a store. This is the practice of putting agricultural produce in small containers. Packaging is one of marketing activities especially channels of distribution. Packing prevents wastage, pests’ infestation and contamination.


The role of packaging in the marketing has become quite significant as it is one of the ways companies make consumers notice their products. Common uses of packaging include:

  1. Protection of products: packaging protects goods against physical andchemical damage. The objects enclosed in the package may require protection from, among other things, mechanicalshock, vibration, temperature, compression, etc.
  2. Promotion: marketers do encourage buyers to purchase the product with the aid of packaging.
  3. Longer shelflife: packaging help to extend the life-span of the product


Packing criteria include the following:

  • Nature of the produce i.e. liquid or solid
  • Bulkiness (size) of the produce
  • Live, frozen or dry stock

Sub-Topic 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Packaging

Advantages of Packaging

  1. Easy identification of product
  2. Relieve of burden
  3. It ensures quality of goods

Disadvantages of Packaging

  1. It is expensive
  2. It prevents actual inspection of goods by the consumers


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